"Temptation" Preached by Brother Spite 9-29-2011 (Bi-Lingual Service) ... Temptation- To entice someone to evil, to draw away from God... 1 John 2:16 "For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
"Are you full of it" preached by Brother Josh Wilson on 8-25-2011 ... An awesome message about
being full of the Holy Ghost... Acts 2:1-4, Acts 1:8, Ezekiel 36:26, James 3:5-8.. What are you full of?
"How to stay in the Church" Preached by Matt Perdue on 9-15-2011 at First Apostolic Church of Mishawaka Indiana... Acts 20:7-10 Wanna know how to stay in the church? Stop looking out the window! ..Rev 12:12, 2 Tim 3:1, Matt 24:12, Acts 2:17, Romans 13:11, Romans 5:19..
Pastor Ebright preaching "Treading The Wine Press Alone" Isaiah 63:1-3, 3-20-2011...(Bi-Lingual Service) At First Apostolic Church of Mishawaka Indiana...... To bring forth a birth, there is a process and pain that takes place. Once you have given birth, all you can think about is the Joy of having your new baby. When we want to get to the next level with God, there is a process and sometimes pain that takes place. Trials are not meant to kill us, even though sometimes it feels like we are going to die in them, but they are to make us stronger....
"We Must Endure" Preached by Brother Spite on 10-23-2011 .. Choices. Decisions. Endure through it. Matthew 24:1-13. 1 Corinthians 15:57-58.. You may not know what is going to happen, but stand firm. Dont be deceived .
"Praise" a Bible study on different forms of Praise. Preached by Pastor DeCicco 12-8-2011 .... 9 different forms of praise.
Bro Rutledge "Fight Fire with Fire" Preached on 5-15-2011 at First Apostolic Church in MIshawaka Indiana... "I dont want hell to enlarge itself on my account" Isaiah 5:12-15, Isaiah 9:18.. Proverbs 16:7, Mark 9:42. "What are we going to do when Hell comes knocking at our door?" Isaiah 43:1. "You try to see or think right and the fire and the pressures of life make us disoriented." Luke 24:30 Have fire burning in you. Matthew 3:11 Holy Ghost Burning. Gave a great story about a son and his father. "Dont let the pressures of life get at you!"
Pastor Sam Emory A short video "Pressure into Praise""Extreme Makeover God Edition" preached by Pastor DeCicco on 8-28-2011
at First Apostolic Church of Mishawaka Indiana... Genesis 1:26-28
... We have to deal with sin on a daily basis.. Allow God to do an
extreme makeover on us... Romans 12:1 .. Present our bodies as a living
sacrifice... Re-due my life Lord. You need a good solid foundation..
Ephesians 4:4-6, Deuteronomy 6:4, Build your house on the ROCK not on
sand, Ecclesiastes 12:13 "Fear God, and keep his commandments" 1 Corinthians 6:15-20 temple of the Holy Ghost, Psalm 51:10,
Romans 8:4-8 so they who are in the flesh cannot please God, Romans
12:2 renewing your mind transformed, Psalm 52:1-4, Proverbs 18:21, James 1:26, Proverbs 18:21 .. death and life are in the power of the tongue, James 3:5, Psalm 145:21, Psalm 34:1, Ephesians 4:22-32 put off the old man.
Missionary Tony Adams "God Loves The Underdog" Preached by Missionary Tony Adams (Bi-Lingual Service) 3-31-2011 at First Apostolic Church of Mishawaka Indiana...How do you see things? Dont see the enemy but see the victory! Praise will change your perspective. Its not a hindrance, its an opportunity for God to do a miracle! Matthew 20:16, Matthew 23:12, 1Corinthians 12:9-10...
Brother DeCicco When you are feeling alone and you are in the midst of the storm, THE LORD IS WITH YOU! Dont give up! The trials dont come in our life to destroy us but to make us stronger. Matthew 14:22-32, Daniel 3:10-27, Psalm 23, Psalm 46:1-5, Psalm 138:7.. "The Eye Of the Storm" Preached by Brother Decicco 3-13-2011 at First Apostolic Church of Mishawaka Indiana.
Brother Nathan Spite "Our purpose, Not allowing the flesh to overcome the Spirit" Preaching by Nathan Spite .. 4-3-2011 at First Apostolic Church of Mishawaka Indiana.. (Romans 7:21) When I do good, evil is present.. Walk after the Spirit.. Die daily- denying our desires.. Romans 8:1-39, Ephesians 6:10-12, 2 Corinthians 10:3-4, Philippians 3:8-14, Ephesians 6:14-17, Galatians 6:16-21, Galatians 6:7-9
Brother Jeremy Lang "Josephs
wagon brings Jacobs revival" Preached by Jeremy Lang (Bi-Lingual
Service) 3-27-2011 ... Genesis 45:27-28, Mark 16:20, Genesis 37:3-5,
Genesis 37:31-35, Hebrews 13:2.... at First Apostolic Church of
Mishawaka Indiana
Brother DeCicco "The daffodil effect" Preached by Brother DeCicco 3-27-2011.... Plant one seed at a time. Galatians 6:5-7, Matthew 14:25-33, Acts 3:1-8, Jude 1:21-23, Matthew 9:37-38..
Pastor Ebright Speaks about "Solemn Assembly" James 4:7-10, March 3-17-2011 (Bi-Lingual) Brought to our knees in tears... Powerful service! A week of dedicating yourself to get closer to God. . . James 4:7-10 Submit- Obey God... Simple things we can do to be obedient to God. And with that, you can resist the devil.
Pastor John Russell tells a bit of his testimony at the Pentecostals of Alexandria. It is amazing how God delivers and changes lives.
Brother DeCicco "The Man In The Mirror" 3-20-2011.. 1 Corinthians 13:12 A mirror never lies.. What would the mirror really say about us? Examine ourselves- What are you reflecting? Acts 4:33-37, Acts 5:1-6 Ananias and Sapphira - God sees ALL truth! How we think is how we act!
Brother J. Vasquez "Dont Sell Your Sword" Preached by Brother J. Vasquez on 6-11-2011 at First Apostolic Church... 1 Samuel 13:22
- nor spear or sword. 2Timothy 2:3-4 good soldier.. Gives a story about
a United States Marine and his sword that he bought at a pawn shop..
Luke 9:62 Dont look back... Gave story about a man in the United States
Navy Seals... Never entertain the option to quit. Daniel 7:25... Satan wants to wear you out. Be a strong soldier in this war!
Brother Jeremy Lang Preaches on "Communion and Foot Washing" 3-25-2011 (Bi-Lingual Service) 1 Corinthians 11:23-30, Genesis 3, Hebrews 10:10-11, 1 Peter 1:18-19, Romans 13:14, Galatians 3:27, John 13:4-20.... Jeremy Lang preaches on Communion and Foot Washing at First Apostolic Church of Mishawaka Indiana.
Pastor Nathaniel Haney preaches on Being on Fire For God at Christian Life Center Stockton CA. .. 1 Samuel 10:1, 10:6, and 10:10. Saul goes to talk to the prophet, but the prophet had a word from the Lord for Saul. Samuel anoints Saul to be king. There is something about coming in contact with a man of God full of the Holy Ghost.....Do you want a life that is overcoming?
Pastor Anthony Mangun preaches on being baptized.. Acts 19:1-6 ... How were you Baptized? ... The greatest thing you can do in your life is to be baptized in the NAME of JESUS!. When it comes to being baptized, You get baptized going under the water. You are being buried with Christ. Colossians 2:12 BURIED with HIM! Death, Burial, and Resurrection.
Sonny Dougherty preaches about speaking positive things into your life. Dont focus on the bad things in your life. Positive words will change the way you think. There is power in what you say.
Sister Shara McKee speaks on humbling yourself. Growing as a Christian. Self reflect, Self Check, and self Correct. Look at yourself and see the problem in you instead of blaming others.
Sister Shara McKee speaks about encouraging yourself. You have a choice to speak life or death. Speak positive things into your life.
Pastor Rob McKee "Tell hell I'm getting back up" by Pastor Rob McKee.. Are you struggling to stand, and the devil gets you at a moment of weakness. He puts pressure on you until you fall. BUT the arm of the Lord reaches out for you, and you repent and get back up again. DONT STAY DOWN!!
Brother Lee Stoneking does a deep theology study on "Where do the dead go?" Learn all about: Luke 16:26(No second chance), Righteous person, Holy Person, Wicked Person, Abraham's Bosom, 3rd Heaven, Paradise, Hell, Lake of fire, White Throne of Judgement, Rapture, Tribulation, 1000years of peace, and then goes back over the whole time line layout explaining each part to the end. Last words "We've got to get everyone we can filled with the Holy Ghost and baptized in Jesus Name"
Bro Lee Stoneking Daniel 70 Weeks Lesson 2.. Teaching on the book of Daniel and Revelation. Understanding of Nebuchadnezzars dream. A time line of 4 Gentile Empires. Understanding and A very detailed study of Daniel 70 weeks. 7x70=490years. The book of Revelation the 70th week which is Israels future. Chapter 4 in Revelation is the church is Heaven. He Explains about the rapture, the 7 seals, the multitude of those in white robes, tribulation and the antichrist.
Bro Lee Stoneking... Do you want to know what happens when you shout? Like when the Hebrew children shouted in the Old Testament and the walls fell down.. If you want to understand a little more about that, i suggest you watch this great video.
Bro Lee Stoneking shares his testimony of how God brought him back from the dead. He went back to Australia 1yr later from the day that he laid dead in the airport. He meets with the EMS worker who shocked him many times but would not come back to life. He visits the Dr who worked on him. . . Title for his preaching after his healing testimony is "Because of the Times" Mark 16:15-18 SIGNS FOLLOW THEM WHO BELIEVE!!
Lee Stoneking: The power of Jesus in the Church.... Miracles done out in the streets.... Romans 8:14 For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God.
Bro Lee Stoneking's: A story about healing of his landlords. AMAZING! Healing believe it! And a story of a police officer being healed!
Bro Stoneking: Trinity VS Jesus... A story about him speaking with nuns.
Bro Lee Stoneking: Preaching about angels and his story about him traveling around seeing Billy Graham..The more you talk with Jesus the better you get to know him and suddenly he starts to whisper things in your ears, Angels and Unusual Things- Psalm 34:7 Angels, Hebrews 1:7 Angels, Hebrews 13:1
Bro Lee Stoneking: The real thing. Everything in the name of Jesus
Lee Stoneking God's Choice for you: God chooses people bases on the choices they make in life. Moses did not know when he said, "I refuse to be called the son of Pharoh's Daughter" that God chose him to be the deliverer of millions. God chose Joshua, Eli, and David... These signs shall follow them that believe Mark 16:17-18. Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world 1John 4:4. If you know what to do, do it. Get with it and kick the devil in the face.... Sometimes our preachers dont preach well because you dont worship well... God purposely takes things from us just to see if we are willing to give it up and once he sees we are willing to give it up he will step forward and return it to you... You have the Holy Ghost Power.
Apostolic Preaching- Dr. Gerald Jeffers- Im Annointed Thats Why... Are you facing suicidal thoughts, or fear? Do you feel you are being smashed by life around you? There is a process to make olive oil. The Annointed oil. To make the oil flow, the flesh of the outside of the olive has to be stepped on. People will step on you, spouse will step on you, pastor will step on you, but if you hold on, oil is about to flow. DO NOT HATE THE ONES WHO STEP ON YOU, for they are the ones who make the oil flow. Once you get saved you inherted an enemy. You have an enemy now that wants to kill you and gets pleasure in kicking you when you are down. God has predetermined that this thing that should rip you apart, God is going to let it rip you apart, and when you dont have no more strength, That is when God will come in and take care of You. Annointed now.... You cant appreciate the voice of God, until you have the absence of God. You cant appreciate the presence of God until you dont feel the presence of God. You cant appreciate the touch of God until you are crying out, "Where are you God".
"WHO'S YOUR DADDY?" Ultimate blow to the heart of God.. John 8:38 "I speak that which I have seen with my father, and ye do that which ye have seen with your father." All it takes is the voice of the stranger "Satan" told them that God does not love you, that God does not want you, and you switch fathers. Jesus says here is you have another father. The ultimate blow to God is when you allow Satan to beceom your father. .....John 8:44 "Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do" Whoever is your father will be the desires/works you carry out....1 John 2:9-11......Luke 10:18 Satan was thrown out of heaven so hard that he became as lightening falling from heaven, and he was thrown out so hard that he bounced back and he became the prince of the power of the air Ephesians 2:2..... Zach 2:8 Apple of Gods eye... Some of you dont know who you are in the eyes of God and becuase you dont, you are pawns that are being used by Satan to hurt God. Satan takes the plans of God and twists them around to fulfill his own purpose. ........1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Ephesians 5:30-32. From the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. Therefore, whatever is in your heart, your mouth will speak, and many speak lies because that is whats in their heart. Matthew 12:34 Those that sow discord among the brethren are an abomination to the Lord Proverbs 6:19.... Isaiah 14:13-14 I WILL, I WILL, I WILL, I WILL, I WILL.... Whenever your into your own WILL guess who your father is...Whenever you just do what you feel. I dont feel like going to church, I dont feel like praising him, I dont feel like etc.... Jesus would say, not my will but thy will be done..
Dr Gerald Jeffers "Faith" ---- Do want to learn what real faith is? Then watch this and you will receive understanding. Satan gets upset and mad when we start doing what God wants us to do. God trust us enough to brag on us. God allows things upon our life to see us pass it. God can say to satan do what you want but after you are done you will see how great my child is. Even if you dont understand what is going on, you lift your hands and praise God and say you dont know why this is happening to but you know that God will work this out for good. You may not know when or how but my faith just says you will. Think about Job who lost his kids, sheep, wife, but he had faith knowing God will take care of Him. Sometimes we have the wrong concept of what faith is. Sometime we have this idea that faith is not supposed to allow anything wrong to happen with us. Anything bad happens to us either we didnt have faith or God failed our faith. NOT TRUE.... Learn what real faith is.
Dr. Gerald Jeffers- The Anointed Ministry VS the Anointed Life ------ Matthew chapter 7:20-23 By their fruit you shall know them......Many will cast out demons and prophecy and God is going to look at them and say that was nice but I don't know you. We are running in a problem, we are becoming impressed with things that do not impress God. What impresses people is not what impresses God. What impresses God is character, many people are trying to use ministry and gifts to prove self worth. You are not supposed to get value for what you do, but for who you are. 1 John 3:1
Dr. Gerald Jeffers- God's Love is Better than Strong Wine ---- Watch these video's and learn what REAL love is. Amazing how he brings it out. Learn to get drunk in the spirit instead of alcohol. The pain you feel will all go away if you are drunk in the spirit. YOU DONT NEED ALCOHOL TO MAKE IT ALL BETTER. It will not fix the problem. Watch this! Are you ready? Its time now to experience this! Taking scriptures from the book of Solomon. This is one of the most difficult books to read of the bible. You wouldnt think to find a book like this in the bible. You would expect to find something like this in playboy but God said let me tell you this, by the way they stoled it from me and perverted it. And God said let me tell you why they have successfully taken it and perverted it because the church shut the doors on it. That is the same thing that happened with counseling. The church shut the door on counseling and the world picked it up. In the book of the Song of Solomon it is so difficult to know who is talking, whether or not if he is talking or she is talking. And the reason for this it is to illustrate a point to us, its supposed to be that when you have such a passionate relationship with God, that when people talk with you it sounds like God and when people hear God it sounds like you. You should not sound like two different but as one. God is saying I want you to have a song of solomon passionate relationship with me. I want you to pray becuase you love talking with me, not becuase you have to pray. Psalms 116:11 in His precense is a fullness of Joy. God is looking for some spiritual alcoholics.
Cory McCool Preaching and Funeral: A short clip of Cory McCool preaching "Unorthodox Faith" at First Apostolic Church of Maryville, TN. June 14th 2009. and Cory McCools Funeral ... What a time of rejoicing... This is in honor of Cory McCool Who passed away July 28th 2009. His last words before he went to be with the Lord was "We Win". Cory got the ultimate victory! With this twibbon we are remembering his fight and victory and letting everyone know, it doesn't matter what the outcome is, if we give it to God... WE WIN!!!!!
"Daddy, I do better when you encourage me!"--- Matt Maddix shares his thoughts about the impact you can have when you encourage someone. Words are powerful. . . Thats why God says in His word you can speak cursings or blessings. . . . That good or evil can come out. . . it can be healing to your body. . . . sweet as honeycomb. . . . it can either stir up anger or calm one down. . . . if you read the book of proverbs and james you will read how powerful words can be. . . . you can speak life or death . . . . What will you choose to speak today?
"Matt Maddix" Teaching on how to win souls.. Soul winning Boot Camp Louisville - Matt Maddix "Extreme Evangelism"
Pastor Mark Morgan: The tale of two tree's --- The tree of knowledge and the tree of good and evil. If you are going from the tree of life and then falling back to the tree of good and evil you need to watch this video. Taken from Genesis 2 and then going to the book of James. The book of James is about patience. It talks about being double minded, blessings and cursing, rich and poor, sweet water and bitter water.....When a person becomes impatient they have a tendency to change trees. You need to ask God for wisdom to be stable and to keep eating from the tree of life instead of the tree of good and evil. If you want to grow spiritually, this video will give you MEAT for your spirit to grow. AMEN!!
Josh Herring Message "On a Date With Delilah": Are you struggling in an area of sin or temptation? Does it seem like you keep having a rollercoaster life with doing good then the next minute you see yourself falling by sin? This man is amazing. I have actually met him in person. Strong faith speaking man who is anointed by God. If you want to receive a change in your life you need to watch this video. He explains things very well. How you can easily get sucked back into the very same thing you just repented from the other night before. Are you fighting spirits attacking you? Are you fighting fear, lust, depression, pornography, anger, bitterness, negative thoughts, alcohol, or addiction? Are you being attacked while you are alone? Satan knows your weakness and is out to destroy you. WATCH AND PRAY!!
Apostolic Preaching- Dr. Gerald Jeffers- Yoked Up with God ---- Amazing teaching. Its so awesome how he brings things out and teaches. Learn to become closer with God. Things you can do to have a closer walk with God. Dont be unequaully yoked together. This teaching also gives spiritual understanding of HOW TO PICK the right person to MARRY. If you are not yoked together, You will have many problems. "How can two walk together, excpet they agree?" If you dont agree, it will fall apart. He talks about how God wants an "ox" not a "donkey". God wants someone who is willing to work with Him not someone who is stubborn. You cant put an ox with a donkey because an ox was sacrificed unto the Lord. An ox didnt just work for their masters but they are animals that were sacrificed for their masters unto the Lord. When you are an ox you are willing to do all the work and let someone else get the name for what happens.
Singles Conference Picking Right and OVERCOMING: Good people are hard to find. God gives us many questions To challenge us like, "The heart is deceiteful, who can know it?" When he ask the question, "to who can know it?" God is asking an intellectual question. How can I make a good choice when I really dont know what I want, becuase I am choosing what I think I want, but my heart is seeking something that is dificult to find. Proverbs- A faithful man, who can find? Proverbs - who can find a virturious woman? It doesnt matter what the color is, if I am color blind I wont see it. If you had the right kind of heart, and mind to assest and discern maybe you would understand the person you are trying to be with is crazy. Many times we are choosing from the past. Picking the same people but in different clothes. Get yourself right with God and going through God will bring that right person to you. WOW!! The story about Joseph.. Dont let your vision die. Your Enemies that want to destroy you. OVERCOMING!! Sometimes you have to go through pains to get to where God wants you to be. Thrown in a pit. The timing was right. God has it all planned out to get you to the next level. God has a purpose for you!!
Gerald Jeffers -------"5 Fold agenda of God and of Satan." When you start thinking like God you will start receiving the things of God. Thinking like Satan is like this, "I don’t know why I pray anyways, and God never answers my prayers." Don’t think like your enemy. Depression, ungodly thinking, self pity, worry, and fear all belong to Satan. So if you are thinking like Satan, he has power over you. And you wonder why you are not receiving the things of God? Watch these videos and learn to start thinking like God and receive what God has for you. GROW SPIRITUALLY and MATURE. When it comes to viewing ourselves, we dont think like God. You cant dwell on saying that you are not good enough or that you dont measure up and be thinking like God. You are thinking as your enemy. But you also cant go on the other extreme and think you are Gods gift to earth and think that no one can preach like you or sing like you. The fruit of the Spirit with God is temperance "balance".
Where is your head at?-- Song of Solomon 7:5 is a fruitful field you act in a royalty manner. Isiah 1:6 they were sick because of wounds and disappointments so that there is no soundness in them. growth is a process .. NOT instantaneous. Are you a child tossed to and fro . . If you are a child, you go by your moods Ephesians 4:14. a child goes by how he feels = i don't feel like don't this. An adult don't feel it but even if you don't feel like doing it you do what is right, that is an adult. an adult allows what is right to override what it feels. and a child is overwritten by their feelings and overrides whats right. spiritual adult doesn't just pray because they FEEL like praying, they pray because they know its right. I don't feel like it, im not in the mood to do that right now even if it is right. don't be a child and swing with moods Ephesians 4:14 . 4:15 speaking the truth in love... that they may grow up...... stop being controlled by the teaching of your enemy......grow up, become stable, don't let the fiery darts of the enemy push you around, quit letting the devil push you around. Ephesians 6:6 ... when you become an adult you decide how you are going to think and you say to the devil that you are not a puppet to him, you don't come up in my head and tell me that I am nobody because I will praise God........I'm a kings kid, I'm like my daddy. I think like my daddy... I talk like him, I act like him...devil says no one loves you, you say, yea no one does love me. devil says your a failure and you say, yea so true. you lay down so easy for the devil. now when God says I called you to this mission you can do it, you end up saying, NO I cant do believe what the enemy says about you more than what God says about you. your contradicting the one who made you and agreeing with the one who is trying to kill you.
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