Pastor Ebright Speaks about "Solemn Assembly" James 4:7-10, March 3-17-2011 (Bi-Lingual)
James 4:7-10 Submit- Obey God... Simple things we can do to be obedient to God. And with that, you can resist the devilPastor Ebright Speaks about "Solemn Assembly" a week of dedicating yourself to get closer to God. . . James 4:7-10 Submit- Obey God... Simple things we can do to be obedient to God. And with that, you can resist the devil as James 4:7 says.. Verse 8, draw nigh to God and He will draw nigh to you... You need to do your part and get close to God. And when you get close to God, a cleansing takes place.....Brought to our knees in tears... Powerful service! The Service has tongues and interpretation. A very deep service that ends up calling everyone to their knees to pray..
(My phone memory got full, and it stopped taping. I dont know how much I missed of the service but the second video I recorded with my ipod)