Pastor Nathaniel Haney preaches on Being on Fire For God at Christian Life Center Stockton CA.
1 Samuel 10:1, 10:6, and 10:10. Saul goes to talk to the prophet, but the prophet had a word from the Lord for Saul. Samuel anoints Saul to be king. There is something about coming in contact with a man of God full of the Holy Ghost.....Do you want a life that is overcoming? Get on fire for God. Let the anointing to flow through your life. Place yourself around the RIGHT people. People that will lead you in the right direction. Remove negative speaking and start taking authority over the spirits in your life. Start walking in the power of the Holy Ghost. Hot, Cold, or Luke warm? Water rises to its own level and so does spiritual condition... A company of prophets... Be around people who are anointed by God. Being around those with like precious faith.
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3