Earth Shaking, Doors Opening, & Breaking Free! Acts16:26


 Lee Stoneking- God's Choice for You -- God chooses people  based on the choices they make in life. Moses did not know when he said, "I refuse to be called the son of Pharoh's Daughter" that God chose him to be the deliverer of millions. God chose Joshua, Eli, and David... John 15:13-16 "I have chosen You".. Peter chose to walk on the water. Trust God. These signs shall follow them that believe Mark 16:17-18. Greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world 1John 4:4. If you know what to do, do it. Get with it and kick the devil in the face....  Sometimes our preachers dont preach well because you dont worship well... God purposely takes things from us just to see if we are willing to give it up and once he sees we are willing to give it up he will step forward and return it to you... You have the Holy Ghost Power.