Earth Shaking, Doors Opening, & Breaking Free! Acts16:26



‎"I'll say Yes, Lord, yes, I will trust You and obey, When Your Spirit speaks to me, with my whole heart I'll agree, And my answer will be yes, Lord, yes!" READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-1-2011 is 2Samuel(Samuel)20-21, Psalm(Salmo)120, 2Thessalonians(Tesalonicenses)2-3. Video- ♥Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús♥

‎""When I cry, You cry. When I hurt, You hurt. When I've lost someone, it takes a piece of You too. And when I fall on my face, You fill me with grace," READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-2-2011 is 2Samuel(Samuel)22, Psalm(Salmo)121, 1Timothy(Timoteo)1-3. Video- ♥Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús♥

‎"Leave it there, leave it there, Take ur burden 2the Lord &leave it there. If u trust &never doubt, He will surely bring u out. Take ur burden 2the Lord &leave it there." READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-3-2011 is 2Samuel(Samuel)23-24, Psalm(Salmo)122, 1Timothy(Timoteo)4-5. Video- ♥Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús♥

‎"I feel like praising praising Him, I feel like praising, praising Him, Praise HIM in the morning. Praise HIM all day long. I feel like praising, praising HIM!" READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-4-2011 is 1Kings(Reyes)1, Psalm(Salmo)123, 1Timothy(Timoteo)6, 2Timothy(Timoteo)1. Video- ♥Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús♥

‎"Draw me nearer, nearer blessed Lord, Consecrate me now 2 Thy service, Lord, By the power of grace divine; Let my soul look up with a steadfast hope, & my will be lost in Thine." READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-5-2011 is 1Kings(Reyes)2, Psalm(Salmo)124, 2Timothy(Timoteo)2-3. Video- ♥Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús♥

‎"I cant even walk without U holding my hand. The mountains 2high &the valleys 2wide. Down on my knees, I learned 2stand. Lord I cant even walk without U holding my hand" READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-6-2011 is 1Kings(Reyes)3-4, Psalm(Salmo)125, 2Timothy(Timoteo)4, Titus(Tito)1-2. Video- ♥En el Nombre de Jesús♥

‎"Breathe on me, breathe on me, Holy Ghost power breathe on me. Yesterdays gone TODAY I'M IN NEED. Holy Ghost power breathe on me." READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-7-2011 is 1Kings(Reyes)5-6, Psalm(Salmo)126, Titus(Tito)3, Philemon(Filemón)1. Video- ♥En el Nombre de Jesús♥

‎"Now let us have a little talk with Jesus, tell Him all about our troubles, He will hear our fainest cry, He will answer by & by. U will Find a little talk with Jesus makes it right." READING BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-8-2011 is 1Kings(Reyes)7, Psalm(Salmo)127, Hebrews(Hebreos)1-3. Video- ♥En el Nombre de Jesús

‎"Grace, Grace, GOD'S GRACE, Grace that will pardon and CLEANSE WITHIN; Grace, Grace, GOD'S GRACE, Grace that is greater than all my sin!" .. READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-9-2011 is 1Kings(Reyes)8, Psalm(Salmo)128, Hebrews(Hebreos)4-6. Video- ..♥Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús♥

‎"We have a Heavenly Father above, With eyes so full of mercy, & a heart full of love, He really cares when Your head is down low, Consider the Lilies & then u will know"..READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-10-2011 is 1Kings(Reyes)9-10, Psalm(Salmo)129, Hebrews(Hebreos)7-8. Video- ..♥Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús♥

‎"Saved by Grace, Ive been saved by Grace, My name is in the book of life, & my sins r washed away, Saved by Grace, Ive been saved by Grace, Its not what I deserve but Im saved by Grace" READING BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-11-2011 is 1Kings(Reyes)11, Psalm(Salmo)130, Hebrews(Hebreos)9. Video- ♥Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús♥

‎"U were there when I was lonely U were there in all my pain guiding my footsteps shelter from the rain. &it was U who made my life complete U r 2 me my everything &that is y I sing" READING BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-12-2011 is 1Kings(Reyes)12-13, Psalm(Salmo)131, Hebrews(Hebreos)10. Video- Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús

"More of Your glory, More of Your power, More of Your Spirit in me, Speak to my heart Lord and change my life, And Manifest Yourself in me." READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-13-2011 is 1Kings(Reyes)14-15, Psalm(Salmo)132, Hebrews(Hebreos)11. Video- ♥Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús♥

‎"Take me to that place Lord, To that secret place where, I can be with You, You can make me like You, Wrap me in Your arms, Wrap me in Your arms, Wrap me in Your arms" READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-14-2011 is 1Kings(Reyes)16-17, Psalm(Salmo)133, Hebrews(Hebreos)12-13. Video- ♥Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús♥

‎"I love the Lord, He heard my cry, &pitied every groan, long as I, I live &troubles rise, I'll hasten 2His throne. When there is nowhere 2go I know I can go 2U, I know I can run2 Jesus" READING BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-15-2011 is 1Kings(Reyes)18, Psalm(Salmo)134, James(Santiago)1-2. Video- Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús

‎"The anchor holds, though the ship is battered, the anchor holds, though the sails r torn, I have fallen on my knees, as I faced the raging seas, the anchor holds, in spite of the storm" READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-16-2011 is 1Kings(Reyes)19-20, Psalm(Salmo)135, James(Santiago)3-5. Video- ♥Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús

‎"Lord Im waiting on U, theres nothing more I can do, Ive done all I can do, with all that Ive been through, I dont feel I can go on, SO HELP ME 2B STRONG, Oh Lord, Im still waiting on U" READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-17-2011 is 1Kings(Reyes)21-22, Psalm(Salmo)136, 1Peter(Pedro)1-2. Video- ♥Jesús♥

‎"When I think of the goodness of Jesus, And all He has done for me, My soul cries out, HALLELUJAH!!! Praise God for saving me" ...READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-18-2011 is 2Kings(Reyes)1-2, Psalm(Salmo)137, 1Peter(Pedro)3-4... Video- ♥Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús♥

Your Grace & Mercy, Brought Me Through, I'm Living This Moment Because Of You, I Want To Thank You, & Praise You Too, Your Grace & Mercy, Brought Me Through" ..READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-19-2011 is 2Kings(Reyes)3-4, Psalm(Salmo)138, 1Peter(Pedro)5, 2Peter(Pedro)1-2... Video- ♥Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús♥

‎"My God is Real, He is real in my soul, My God is real 4 He has washed & made me whole, His love 4 me is like pure gold, My God is real 4 I can feel Him in my soul" READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-20-2011 is 2Kings(Reyes)5-6, Psalm(Salmo)139, 2Peter(Pedro)3, 1John(Juan)1-2. Video- ♥Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús♥

‎"I get Joy Joy Joy when I think about the Lord, when Im standing in His presence, I say give me more and more, it starts moving through my hands, it goes way down to my feet, I get Joy Joy Joy all over me" READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-21-2011 is 2Kings(Reyes)7-8, Psalm(Salmo)140, 1John(Juan)3-4. Video- ♥Jesús♥

‎"Though the sorrow may last 4the night, His joy comes in the morning, I'm trading my sorrows, I'm trading my shame, I'm laying it down 4the joy of the Lord" READING BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-22-2011 is 2Kings(Reyes)9-10, Psalm(Salmo)141, 1John(Juan)5, 2John(Juan)1, 3John(Juan)1. Video- ♥Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús♥

‎"Anointing fall on me, Anointing fall on me, Let the power of the Holy Ghost, fall on me, Anointing fall on me".. READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-23-2011 is 2Kings(Reyes)11-13, Psalm(Salmo)142, Jude(Judas)1, Revelation(Apocalipsis)1. Video- ♥Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús♥

‎"I'll never give up, I'll never give in, I'm gonna make it, I'm gonna win, no matter how hard, no matter how far, I'll keep on running, I won't quit" ... READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-24-2011 is 2Kings(Reyes)14-15, Psalm(Salmo)143, Revelation(Apocalipsis)2-3. Video- ♥Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús♥

‎"Thanks, Thanks, I give You Thanks, For all You've done, I AM SO BLESSED, My soul has found rest, Oh Lord, I give You Thanks." THANK U JESUS!! GRACIAS JESÚS! READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-25-2011 is 2Kings(Reyes)16-17, Psalm(Salmo)144, Revelation(Apocalipsis)4-6. Video- ♥Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús♥

U NEVER KNOW WHAT THE LORD IS PROTECTING U FROM! "Your loving arms PROTECT ME, U SHELTER ME from harm. Jesus I love U, because U care, I couldnt imagine if U werent there" READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-26-2011 is 2Kings(Reyes)18, Psalm(Salmo)145, Revelation(Apocalipsis)7-9. Video- ♥Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús

‎"You cant tell me God wont make a way for me, You cant tell me God wont see me through, I know He can, I know He will, Yes I know HE will" READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-27-2011 is 2Kings(Reyes)19-20, Psalm(Salmo)146, Revelation(Apocalipsis)10-12. Video- ♥Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús♥

‎"This joy that I have, the world didnt give it 2 me, This joy that I have, the world didn't give it 2 me, the world didnt give it, and the world can't take it away" READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-28-2011 is 2Kings(Reyes)21-22, Psalm(Salmo)147, Revelation(Apocalipsis)13-15. Video- ♥Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús♥

‎"There is a sweet anointing in the sanctuary, There is a stillness in the atmosphere, come & lay down the burdens you have carried, For in the sanctuary, God is here." READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-29-2011 is 2Kings(Reyes)23-24, Psalm(Salmo)148, Revelation(Apocalipsis)16-17. Video- ♥Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús♥

"I'm a soldier, in Gods army, and Im marching, CLAIMING VICTORY, I will not give up, I will not turn around, I'm a soldier marching heaven bound." READING THE BIBLE IN A YEAR(LECTURA DE LA BIBLIA EN UN AÑO) todays reading 6-30-2011 is 2Kings(Reyes)25, Psalm(Salmo)149, Revelation(Apocalipsis)18-20. Video- ♥Bendiciones en el Nombre de Jesús♥